Mastering Submersion

Mastering Submersion
@Valentine Granville

I am floating above the water
Trying to reach the depths
But the more I try
The more I rise up again
What keeps me afloat
Is relaxation, calm, and peace
If I attempt to stress myself
I might be able to sink
I think I understand
I will exhaust all my energy
And replace it with a heavy burden
Material worries
I no longer belong to myself, empty of self
I am filling with materialistic concerns
Here I am, beginning to sink
For I am like a stone

So I understand, to love and have Peace
Sometimes happiness,
Small little things
Say the basic needs.
Shelter for a start
Like paying rent on time,
Stocking food for a week
Strong people eat you know, and I don't wanna be weak
Shoes and clothing, I mean just looking nice, smelling good and showing up.
Special people in your life calling just to check up on you and ask how you doing.,  your mum, your dad, brothers or friends.


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