Happy Men's International day

INTERNATIONAL MEN'S DAY is celebrated on November 19 and celebrates men's positive contributions to their communities and families. It also promotes positive role models and increases awareness about men's well-being. 

Giving a talk or conducting an activity before or on International Men's Day is a great way to get people talking about men. Socially, men have little to no support when it comes to addressing the challenges they face. We partnered with Amazing Minds Africa.  (a Kenyatta University students association) to have an intergenerational dialogue under the theme, Promoting a positive conversation about men, manhood, and masculinity. We were pleased to have Rev Benson Okeyo and Mr. Dannish Odongo coming to speak purpose and positivity to the young men and ladies who came to mark this day. 

At ELF-Africa , we are committed to creating platforms for young men to engage, a safe space where they can share their views on men's issues and experiences through our Men of Honour initiative.  It was a noble convention today at Kenyatta University , seeing ladies coming to be part of this discussion, to add the female perspective to the conversation. 
#IMD2022 #elfafricaimpact #Beyond10 #GoAfrica #MenOfHonour


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