Positive with Love

Goodbye, am sorry i have to live,
I tested positive,
Am positive with love.
Don't worry it won't kill me, like always i will survive.
Don't be negative,
If truly you love me, Don't stop, or be Stagnant, like time, days weeks and months move.

I can crack jokes, just in case we at home alone and you get bored.
Squish poet that is a funny name already but its true am Squeezer of words, emotions and Nuts
Am also A Poet ,Writer and actor in short  i just like been busy as long as i don't get tired.
What i can't really get tired with is eating, so your food promise to eat.
And i drink too, apart from water any substance made from barley and wheat.
Don't worry about the jobs in the kitchen i can also wash dishes and cook.

And about how i look

Tall and black,
Future not clearly visible just dark
But on it together we can work.

For love, so dear better half
Future wife
I don't really know about you life
But hopefully you are a live,
Hope corona makes you realize we don't really need an audience to our wedding but just love.
For now i actually have nothing to give.
Maybe children who will make a family, that will bring you a relative
My hands are empty, tied do you mind coming with  a sanitizer to wash them and my soul. My soul in whatever place it goes  want it to be received clean when i die. As for the body its all yours My Love.



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