Demarcus Cousins

I have a bloody cousin,
Yeah she is blood, together we have faced it hard, am glad and proud we still fight to win
Those who probably have tasted my food know i do try, but as for her she is an expert.
She might have learnt it at college but its also in her blood, took it from her dad cooking with heart
To them it's art

Up to now you know i love my cousin
A good chef who loves her got it up there if you were keen
So let's call this poem love 
And we will talk about what my cousin love 
As for me am still yearning for it but for now am single, a partner a lover not yet ...I don't have
Haven't kept my past lovers 
Have learnt to enjoy and  leave them quickly before falling in love.

I have read and learned about love, when it comes to it a woman is a perfect instrument.
With her body love she paint.
From head to toes she is made simply for love,some have mastered it some earn from it they use it as an employment
But a woman knows how to love and be loved
Consequently, if a loving couple consist of two women its perfect, if it has only one , its only half as good.
And if it has none, its utterly ridiculous.
My cousin's consist of two isn't that wonderful and miraculous.

They have been in ups and dows
Sunday's outs at  KFC or pepinos 
And just like other relationship they have struggle to overcome the fights .
Not talking to each other for days
The make ups and breakups
But like i said We are bloody fighters and when we fight we win.
They moved in
Started their own home.
And they are just awesome.


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