
Its the forth month of 2020…
No today is 20 th fourth 2020
Which comes first when writing, the date or the month or the year..damn it😪its just 4.20
Am sorry am not good with calendars,
Am good with Beers and Alcohol rooms
I mean Bars
I set bars.
But with this quarantine they are closed.

So at home we just have to chill
Sorry for the extrovert for being lonely, oooPS even the introvert that's how they feel.
Sanitize wash your hands with soap I understand it may be tiresome  especially if you don't have something to eat, but stay safe still.....
Don't steal
If you do please don't kill
But i will understand if you do so...something's are not by our will
Like staying at home yet you continue to pay the bill, yet they is no employment
Thanks to the Government
We have 100million for entertainment

Like common is there any other  ministry?
Of course they are someone should ensure some people don't sleep hungry
But they are still a sleep and they won't wake up anytime even if waking them up you give a try
I talk to much am sorry.
This poem wasn't to make anyone worry.

I was just asking does the calendar 2020 
Today's reads like 4/20
If so please tell me what to do
Cause at this point
I really need a joint 
Not the other Bar joint
Common you all know what I need
Its W......,.
Any stoner around


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