Rest In Peace MOI

How will it be like,?
Will i recognise every moment.
The falls and opportunities?
When time will reach.... The dates .
Well let's see...maybe at first.
15th or maybe 23rd or end month how am even supposed to know.
When it comes should i try to resist and say no
Or should i just relax and play low.
I just wish at that point I will be ready to go.

They is no map for life direction,no complete design of how we will live
Damn it we even fucking don't know the span of our life.
Sometimes life doesn't make sense
Cause we don't know the limit of existence:
Life itself it is not an easy task in the circumstances.
It was never  committed
 to paper.
You choose your own ways maybe you will be completely different from your mama and papa.
It is said many souls are lost in the tangle if the corridor's.
Coffins and graves the prison without locks.

You shouldn't be impatient with those sweet little things.. 
Don't let them get you to depression or stress.
Cause they are mans companion to the end and beyond.

In this life, with it, in it, haven't been quick always been slow
On my own flow.
But the thing is when you're slow, you know you need to pay attention
Take caution and pre caution.
Its the clever ones who never listen.

I can't say that I have a map with life but am an artist.
Of course a poet, writing and acting is what seemed i could do best 
I know am difficult but I don't choose to fact artist always wish to be understood.
Am always far from my word cause my role has always been telling and narrating other people which is actually good
Artists paint, poets capture,actors take you through that world musician play such a beautiful tune.
And sometimes an ending is a blessing.. Death completes probably it will just be fine.

But death  is one less thing to worry about.
Its scary,but every body dies
2020 time to mines the zeroes yeah turning 22
Yeah i get it death fuck me but you know what fuck you too.
After all its good to act as a fool 
And life isn't bad at all its beautiful
So I smile
Cause am not in this world long but am staying for a while 

This life I can't kill myself ooh*2😂😂
How do you even throw your life away even if it is an act
Or for some selfless heroism damn men I just can't.
Am here to stay
And everyday is a beautiful day
Why should i hurry while it a hundred days miles a way.

Am a worrier from long line of worriers.
My grandfather and his age mates, died in battles
My father,my brothers, my sons,theirs sons
All of them will fell as heroes in this battlefield of life.
The one thing we fear the most.
The pain it cost.
The love one in it we lost.
Nobody has ever conquered it
Even the beast.
But in actually sense you cannot until you face it without fear.
That is when life will be clear.
.# *RIPMOI*.
@ *SquishyPoet*


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