I always feel something in me missing... #fomo

I always feel something in me missing,
Afraid shivering maybe it's because the grass is greener and i hear snakes hissing 
But still stand firm because i believe this is what i love...actually have been in love before not  once, twice thrice things just didn't work, on the process my hurt got heart so now days its the frogs that am kissing.
Oops no strings attach we really don't fall in love...I was just teasing.

Haven't you also been used?
Been used with drugs or is it the drug you using
 You see drugs ain't really our thing ...its the depression and stress
Or how together we embrace 
The places it take us high  to cloud seven at the moon have wondered how it feels to be at space.
Or maybe it's the way it makes us feel unexpected
The chain of people we connect with ....without racism nepotism we just feel accepted
Or how it make us feel strong the fight it fight for us and make us feel like we cannot be defeated.
The love it spread inside us when we feel hated.

But still after using it we feel used .
Some of us get raped
At the end others get abused.
More depressed.
It makes other feel cursed
Just like i said maybe it isn't our thing

Dear God the Most high
Gratings from us who get high and feel like your son Jesus we betray
Please assure us with you around us we able.
Fight for us and we will be undefeatable.
Provide for us our daily bread and we will always feel capable.
Sorround us with your love and we will be unstoppable



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