
Depression is a disease it has made many people ill
It also kill
No one is ever certain with it and at a times I also get unwell
Especially when am lonely and the only company beside me is stress 
Stress of sorting my bill. 
When you affected with this disease like aids its very rare to tell
Sometimes the world is judgmental and you feel like you already paying your dues its just that you aren't yet in hell. 

Signs and symptoms are different 
You can be stressed up with the landlord she he or she asks for rent
Or maybe a long term relationship gone wrong and they is a disagreement 
Sometimes its a misunderstanding between you and your parent. 

Sasa fity
He is neat
But deep inside life yake ni ratchet amebeti
Ofcourse a lot of us fake it to make it
Sometimes those with bigger smiles are facing a lot of heat
Those in suits 
Are living life that doesn't suite 
Those who show you love deep inside are filled with hate

Make your emotions right
Cry loud if you are hurt
If you are happy make your smile genuine and bright. 
No one is perfect 
We all in the fight

Trust me depression is the leading treat 
Avoid feelings Usikuwe affected
Speak out usicommit murder if infected. 

@ *SquishyPoet*


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