Before I get married

Before i get buried 
I want to get married 
On a range of one to ten
Have three children
Maybe a boy and girls (twin)  

Hurry hurry has no blessing so on the issue of me getting married 
I don't want to be hurried 
Am still yet not a man 
Still a youth having fan
Let me enjoy the flavor of each nectar
Until I know exactly  the sweetness of being called Honey 

I want to explore
Taste the sweetness ya vitu imeiva ndio i have it raw
So wacha nifanye job kabbla y y Blow be u
Learn to pay my own rent before i have t out ft cf try an floor 

But to the woman 
Who is yearning to be the mother of my son
What is you concern? 

Stick to it 
Focus on being you and great 
Ndio tukikutana nikukuambia sasa walai utakuwa fity
Hope you have had that we will be having it fifty fifty

If you don't have a clue
Or if you had about it and doubted i  want to confirm to you
That it's true

For the benefit of us all
So that we can make this  family big from small
Let's confirm you are my half soul
And if I roll you roll
The only difference will be on our characters and role 
I don't know what the future holds for you 
But I know i want the best 
Na nikigraduate kwa ufisi i think i will be a eagle 
You can also come with your ego but together we build our nest. 

@ *SquishyPoet*


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