A lot of stuff

A lot of stuff
Running through my life
One.. Am disturbed with what professionalism i will want for a wife
Ofcourse my heart
As always been occupied with art
And am not that person of thinking so smart
So i had opted for someone crazy like me... A poet or a musician
My mind never crossed on a physician.
But a man is just a man
No matter how insane
Like men we confused with anything you will see the ass
And you will be like 'girl quick mathmathics you + me = us
And when our mind
Is just confused with someone behind
Damn you see another girl chest
you are like Daaaaaamn I saw my future and you like girl i don't mind being son zoned as long as i feed on your Breast
😅😅please don't try this at home
Unless you really know how to calm a storm
Cause with that speed
Any girl will suspect you are on weed.
Today was that day i never followed the rules and regulation
Never took caution
It was 3 pm
And i was bored at my place at km
After a black out
And i taught I could do some work out.
A little bit dull
I go to school
Disappointments for not meeting my Bess
She had called asking if we could meet but she did miss.
So the anxiety turned out to bad.. The anxiety turned into stress
With my moods low i enter in this class.......
I see my singing friends and am like #UkoNaCharger
With their facial expression sikungoja
Najisunda kwa kona
Next to this lady... Trust me love is blind juu sikumuona
But she was a doctor juu kando yake stress zangu ziliiishaa and nilifeel nimepona.
Taking no caution
Am asking her for some connection
"Unaezaa nichargia simu? "
She smile but am on my own word to notice her connection ya simu yangu kwa charger muhimu.
Then with my pride of being a StarBorn
Na kiburi tena i become sturbon
"Please nieke ngoma yako niskizange nikingojaa simu yangu ijae.
She smiles again and this time i notice it.
The smile and the Beauty
And she is like niko tu na gospel utaskiza?
And am like oh yeah hizo kwanza ndio zinawezaa nituliza.
Am not a reading person
Unless its story books or something motivating ka books za Ben Carson
But boom i look at her laptop and i see Words like bacteria and virus
Medical stuffs and am like this are among those few who are so bless.
She receives a phone call talk a language i understand
Not my language though but i know chemgae means hae
And I might be probably high
Cause i realize am using someone laptop who i didn't even great..
Ashamed of myself she terminates her call and i start with a hey.
Are you kalenjine?
She smiles and am getting used to her smile cause it's so fine.
She breaks the silence with yeah.
A proper introduction
Am chepkoech
From kericho
A second year medicine student.
Doctor you found yourself a patient.
So doc are you that spiritual?
She start preaching to me and trust me i can't hide my smile while she explain this medicine ritual
And it hits me how medicine is a big deal to her.
Just like how poetry is to me...
To cut the long story short
She explain as a doctor you treat but you pray for God to heal
You don't pray to anything else But GOD cause healing is her big deal
And God is The Big Deal
Before i forget
A part from medicine she can also dance
She watches movie but the #Nightshift


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