
What was the last item, You were bought for by anyone,
that made you so happy?...
Your happiness has a price, pay attention you have to bare the costs.

Your happiness, 
Depends on physical deeds and don't ask me why
 I have never experienced it.

Your sadness is permanent whether you cover it with a fake smile or not.
Happiness, on the other hand, is created by feeble emotions that tend to fade.
 The emptiness of the heart.

No One is after heartbreak, it follows you because you are attractive, you are a good person,
You never intend to hurt anybody, you wish others luck lots of them but you get none.

There is a dark cloud hovering above your head,
Any effort you employ to do good it gets angrier,
And finally, 
It pours on you just when you thought the day was getting better.

'Mindless minion', sometimes you call yourself that when you are sad,
Because if your brain was present enough,
You'd be directed away from sadness not directly falling into it locking the gates and throwing away the key,

Now you are in a Prison called self,
And the only freedom you can get is happiness
Now tell me,
With no one by your side, how will you fight for your freedom and be free at last?



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