Different class

She isnt my brand of wine
But ako so fine
And I wish I could make her mine. 
Lakini tu
Naogopa Nikisemaa I love you 
Ata reply with me too

So nishaji broo zone
Akikohoa naitikaa na that lovely bro tone
If only wishes were horses
Basi tonight she could ride on tope of me 
And if life is blind she won't mind wearing the damn glasses 
We all know kwa tajiri maskini is a no go zone
My punchlines and romance are with me as i decide  to live her alone

If only she could read my mind
Or understand that a good man like me is hard to find
Maybe we could speak the same language 
Or she won't judge me from the cover of the Book and be on the same page. 

Nikimwazaa na sinzia
Hivyo ndivyo amenijazaa na Hisia
But kwao kuna umbwa kali siwezi karibia
Niko na fear
Wata achilia umbwaa na mimi sijui Kimbia..... 

@ *SquishyPoet*


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