Blink If You Want Me

I like your style. 
It makes me crazy for a while

Daily you cross my mind
With your beauty image of your front which is proportional to your behind
You are one of a kind. 
a girl like you is rare to find. 

Princess you are so cool
In a beauty contest at my perspective you Rule. 
And it as while we been crazy together but i really don't want to be a fool

Together we fit 
I like things short and sweet
Your G string
Just like the one on the guitar makes me sing, 
My favorite song
I think we making this relationship term long
Before things go wrong

I Quit on us
Before you find my worse
And realize am not your class
Or portion of wine, 
I break this glass. 

@ *SquishyPoet*

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019, 1:31 PM farm soko <> wrote:

Peace absent
Social injustice present
Ka kwenyu ka hutaki hulipa rent
But apparent

Africa imepata a new landlord
Dunia inaishaa God
Jesus anakaam when juu sai kuna wengi wanajiita lord.

Company zinatakaa kugrow
River iko killed out ata fish haziflow
Bonga kuihusu na Bila kufika koti utafanyiwaa treason.

Damu ni nzito kuliko maji
But kuna watu in the family wako na Utiaji
Tulikuwa mabeste but sai tushashika Grudge
Wewe ni mblack but usipospeak my language,
Kuna design nitakugauge

Nyama Nyama
Huyo Leta tire kuna mtu tunataka Kuchoma
Za wanyama,
Si tamu.
Binadamu yake si rahisi
I think ni ngumu
But mkuki kwa nguruwe....
Uuuwa yeye wanafanya maisha yetu isikuwe tamu

Tmegrow wasee lakini tunarepeat things zilihappen hapo Nyuma
Hakuna cha Huruma
Kila mtu a focus on yeye usitegemee Huduma
Kuiba bado kuna wenye wanapanga hio Njama.

Wazungu wanatucheka
Wachina bado wanatuteka

Missionary gospel ndio vako tunataka
Tmekaam kuchange watu our aim ni watu kuokoka
But kuna things tuliwaficha ka things tutagain
Na venye mtapitia pain

Don't blame it on us mko na leader
Na nyinyi ndio mlichagua so ni vipi hamkujua that hao pia ni more greader

@ *SquishyPoet*

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019, 5:56 PM farm soko <> wrote:
Maisha ilikuwa ngumu
Akaamua aonje sumu
So ameletwa na watu wajuwa uhai wake ni wa muhimu. 

Sleeping on the emergency room
Mother is tensed na mzae amefume
Mbona alikunywaa doom

Doctor ametry his best
But mtoi aliamua his fate
Down six feet
There is where he wants to rest. 

Ooh no 
He is no more 
Depression ilimishikaa na the people wenye walikuwaa wanampenda didn't know

Baadaye tutaonana
Pitisha Salamu kwa Maulana. 

That was the last word 
Of his father
He couldn't say anything further 

Alishikwaa na kilio ungemuona
Ungemuone Huruma

Mbona kijana uliamua kuenda mapema
Tembea tu na neema

Words zake zilipoisha
Hakupoteza maneno tu Bali maisha

Top headlines wasn't that depression once kill
They even skipped to mention the hospital bill
Which has makes the father have sickness 
Depression and stress

The newsreporter said
A foolish kid
Smoked weed
Got himself killed
Kisa kwingeneko chaa mada
Son dead
On tears and chokes gets murdered. 

@ *Squishypoet*

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019, 4:39 PM farm soko <> wrote:
Nairobi River pollution 
Moneyheist Masai mara kuna watu na more ambition
2022 mnikumbuke 
Na pia tukiiba msishutuke. 

Huyu tushamzoea
Content yetu ilishapotea
Kuna wenye wataimba matope na bado watabobea

Wewe ni msanii? 
Si una utani

Wacha zikaam
Unataka kupitisha message Cheza na fan
After all 
Kuna wenye wanacontoll. 

Hii ni mbichi
Funika uchi
Kijana fulani amekua
Asanta kwa kupumua 
Daily mzidi kumipigiaa dua
Mistari atazipost za kishua
Msupport ka unamjua
Na akionekaniwa ata kusahau
Hio ni kitu sure. 

@ *Squishypoet*


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