Mama Clinton

We do fight and quarrell
But still this relationship doesn't fall
Cause we always on cue on our role
The growth of our this family is our goal

She is beautiful
She has no Education background but she's no fool
A Queen of course in my life she rules

Sometimes I hate when she wakes me from sleep
When we disagree and am right but she still calls me a sheep
But our bond is unbreakable so strong,our love so deep

She is my superwoman
My number one
My day to day fan
My Reason of fun
My concern.
Of course am her concern
Her son.

She is my iron lady
Always focused and ready
She ensures I feed
She provides bread
We were connected before I born so it's hard even to be separated by dead

She is my mother
Also a father
She ensures I go further
And am grateful for having her

She prays for me and I for her
Her prayers is that I prosper
and I prayer for her to reach far
She is my moon and am her star


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