I know I won't marry you
And to the one I plan to marry neither do I have a clue

But  let's stick to the motto until death do us a part 
Have a piece of my art and me  your heart 
and I promise you will never get hurt 

I will protect it until you die and get buried
Make me the guest of honour when you get married
Cause in this relationship there is no break ups

Only exchange of the cup
Take every sip by sip 
Bit by bit
I want too much love until it becomes poison
That's when we will be afraid of one of us getting dead 
But before it happens I will get a head

then we will quit
For know let's make everything sweet
Cause on the day of your wedding I want a proper introduction to the bridegroom
Tell him am the master art of your love
Tell him how stubborn you were but I I had my ways of making you behave


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