A prayer for sudan

Should I start with a sorry
Or express how much I do worry
I will let my pen bleed ink that's what i do best, bleed about the people who currently their blood do bleed.
I will also ask you to go unto your knees and plead
Ask God to interseed.

how do i start,
Like should i talk about how people are dieng and their leaders are growing fat
Am not supposed to put blame on anyone
Like you!
Don't tell me you haven't heard about a six year old girl who was raped by more than five men
Or you haven't heard that people who are dead are more than hundreds not even.....ten
Am sorry, sorry won't help when the people dead can fill more than ten trucks of lorry

Don't tell me not to worry
When things are brutal in Sudan
It's not about Syria anymore it's about my fellow African
And if a white flag isn't shown clearly then it's crucial we show what it means being black
Upto to when will we stand things getting dark

It's time for African leaders to speak
Disagreement and fighting also need a break
Instead of Africa breaking into pieces
We need more spices
So someone serve as with justice
Maybe we will surely Rest in Peace

Someone stop this
Soldiers are meant to be worriers
Worriers are not supposed to make to take the innocent breath and make others worry
Worriers are supposed to put the country on shape
They aren't supposed to rape

So please someone tell me how i should eat
When People, women and children are beaten upto to their last breath
How do i get an appetite
While a neighborhood is full of death
How do i write a love  poem while humanity are inhuman and they can't talk about what is happening in Sudan

*Squishy poet*


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