To our sisters who held us when our mothers went to hustle.
To our sisters who held us when our mothers went to hustle. The maids who remained with us in the castle. Aunts and our mothers friends who loved us when we were still little Those who ensured we smile and laugh to convince us the world is a better place, Who ensure we were smart, gave us a clean bath and good clothes to dress. The good people who just loved babies And believed they were supposed to be treated nice. I appreciate you all Also the brothers who took us high so that they could she us fall Those who were stupid and couldn't listen to us because you taught we were small Bad days makers who hided out toys and doll Other who tored our ball. Thank you all. Its because of you we grew up this strong and tall. Every one played their role And taught us a lesson. That a few will carry you and support your goal. *Squishy Poet*